At the main Sunday morning Mass robed servers are present and incense is used, with various volunteers taking other roles. The service normally lasts about 1 ¼ hours, followed by refreshments in the church hall.
They meet in the Hall from the beginning of Mass and come in at the Offertory. After communion the children give a presentation of work they have been doing. The Sunday School performs a nativity play or tableau at Mass on the Sunday before Christmas and at the Christingle service on Christmas Eve. We have held study groups in Lent, sometimes jointly meeting with Potter Street Baptist Church. There are pilgrimages to Walsingham.
Confirmation classes for adults and children happen as and when they are necessary, usually one course a year.
We have hosted a homeless shelter one evening/night a week, in partnership with Heart4Harlow (the local ecumenical group) during January and February which was staffed by volunteers from the congregation.
We will repeat this as necessary through Heart4Harlow
The church holds various events throughout the year such as the Christmas Bazaar, book sales and the like, and holds social activities such as quiz nights, meals.
Our Priest
Sunday School Leader
Church Warden
Come to one of our services, events or contact one of the above.
If you would like us to pray for you,
please drop us a line or contact Fr Garry 01279 411 774